Assertivness/Anger Management

My 16 years of experience has brought a vast number of clients to me, who suffer through not being assertive enough. This can manifest itself in one of two ways, through aggression or passivity. Some people display aggression, when they react from their feelings rather than respond through their thinking, which often results in a more assertive approach, dissipating anger and creating a win-win outcome. 

Very often these clients may be ‘too nice’ for their own good and are very often sent to counselling by others, when they are not really the problem, it's the other people in their lives. They need to deal with toxic behaviour by regaining an authoritative style that places boundaries within their relationships. This may be with partners, children, work colleagues or where healthy confrontation is needed in everyday situations. Lack of assertiveness will result in unhealthy confrontation (anger) or no confrontation (passivity) which causes its own form of latent anger and resentment, where the individual turns these in on themselves, often resulting in depression. Through reframing scenarios and addressing familiar angry or passive ways of not dealing with situations, I can help you regain dignity and respect, allowing you to protect and take care of yourself against toxic behaviour, giving you a greater empowerment and sense of emotional regulation.
